Adding Elasticity in Hadoop Datanode Using LVM

So what is Hadoop? Apache Hadoop is an open-source software used for maintaining the environment of distributed storage and computing cluster, as in real life we need storage in real used we need storage which is not possible to provide by a single storage device, so here Hadoop comes into play which combines all its slave node storage and creates an illusion so that client feels a lot of storage in a single device. Hadoop is mainly used for achieving greater computational at a reduced cost. So what is LVM? LVM is a tool for logical volume management that allows us to create dynamic storage units that can be resized as per our needs without worrying about the issues of data leakage. Everything is done by a single command. In this article, Firstly we would be creating a physical volume. Next, we would create the volume groups. Next, we will use the volume group as a storage device we will create a logical volume from it and format it as we do always with the partition. We would th...