Configuring HAProxy using Ansible playbook
Configuration Management is the most important task, mostly task belonging to configuring different types of web servers with a different use-case and mostly in the industry, we have normally millions of webservers running behind the scene and manually configuring every webserver is practically not possible so the only key is automation. In this article, we would be configuring 1 system as Haproxy and 2 systems as a webserver using Ansible automation. So what is HaProxy? HAProxy is software that provides 2 services in a single packet, which stands for High Availability Proxy, It acts as a load balancer that helps in balancing the load between web servers and it also acts as a Reverse Proxy which improves the security of the webservers. So let's start with updating the Inventory file I h ave created my inventory on the “ /root/ip.txt” location of the Controller Node, and it will mainly consist of few details about Target Node. vim /root/ip.txt Here I have created ...