Amazon SQS a distributed message queuing service

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a managed message line service. Provides HTTP API in which objects can be moved and read online through applications. AWS fully controls the queue itself, making SQS a simple messaging solution between various components of software applications running in the cloud.

Why use SQS?

Amazon's Light Line Service is a fully integrated online service that allows you to compose and measure microservices, distributed systems, and applications without interruption. SQS eliminates the complexity and complexity associated with the management and operation of message-focused middleware and empowers developers to focus on making a difference in the workplace. Using SQS, you can send, store, and receive messages between software components at any volume, without losing messages or requiring other services. Get started with SQS in minutes using the AWS console, Command Line Interface or your favourite SDK, and three simple commands.

In Amazon SQS there are two types of lines namely Standard Queue and AWS SQS FIFO. The standard line offers at least one delivery and top installation. FIFO lines ensure that the message used occurs only once for the first time on the first exit.

What are the benefits of SQS?

  • Security: Controls who can send messages and receive messages from the Amazon SQS queue.

  • Server-Side Encryption (SSE) allows you to transfer sensitive data by protecting online content using keys managed by the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS).
  • Stability: For the security of your messages, Amazon SQS stores them on multiple servers. The standard queue supports message delivery at least once, and FIFO lines support message processing once.
  • Availability: Amazon SQS uses an inactive infrastructure to provide consistent messaging and high availability for the production and use of messaging.
  • Failures: Amazon SQS can process each application individually, which clearly measures any load increase or spikes without provisioning instructions.
  • Reliability: Amazon SQS locks your messages during processing so that more manufacturers can send and more customers can receive messages at the same time.
  • Customization: Your queue does not need to be the same for example, you can set a default delay in the queue. You can store text messages larger than 256 KB using Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) or Amazon DynamoDB, with Amazon SQS with an Amazon S3 object index, or you can split a large message into smaller messages.

redBus AWS SQS integration

redBus is an Indian travel agency that specializes in bus travel throughout India by selling bus tickets throughout the country. Tickets are purchased through the company’s Website or the Web services of its agents and partners. The company also offers software, on a Software as a Service (SaaS) basis, which gives bus operators the option of handling their own ticketing and managing their own inventories.

The company previously ran its operations from a traditional data centre by purchasing and renting its systems and infrastructure. In addition to the expense, several logistical problems evolved from this arrangement. The biggest problem was that the infrastructure could not effectively handle processing fluctuations, which harmed productivity. Additionally, the procurement of servers or upgrading the server configuration was an extremely time-consuming endeavour. Over time, redBus realized that a better solution was imperative a solution that offered scalability to handle the company’s processing fluctuations. redBus looked to Amazon Web Services (AWS) for a solution.

How has redBus benefited from using AWS SQS?

Since migrating to AWS, redBus has seen measurable improvements in the bottom line. Padmaraju says, “By scaling up and down dynamically based on the load, we maintain performance as well as minimize cost. With the time savings that the RedBus obtain from the AWS solution.

  • Reduced costs by up to 40%
  • Reduced website latency by 4x
  • Able to instantly replicate test environments, which in turn reduces time to market


SQS is a great way to decouple services, especially when there is a lot of heavy-duty, batch-oriented processing required.

Thank you for reading this article!


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